The Two Secrets to Healthier Living at Savannah Quarters®

January 31st, 2018

With the New Year comes a desire to eat better and exercise more. But we could all use a little help when it comes to making these life changes, no matter how simple they seem. Fortunately for residents of Savannah Quarters®, both Chef Peter Schott and Fitness Director Neumann Dotterweich have a plan for a healthier new you.

A menu designed to make the most of the seasons.

Chef Peter Schott has been creating delicious food for Savannah Quarters® residents for six years. So he knows what people want this time of year, and it makes perfect sense for those living on the coast: seafood. It’s an obvious way to eat healthier, and as Schott sees it “we’ve got a LOT of diners who really enjoy fresh fish.”

Right now, it’s the season for flounder and various species of grouper, so expect to see that on the menu through the end of February. Schott finds ways to make sure every dish is as healthy as it can be, giving a generous squeeze of a lime or adding some freshly chopped herbs that really bring out the flavor. “The trick to healthy eating is to deliver a good portion, eliminate the use of bad fats, and limit the use of good fats. Eating well most certainly does not mean bland or boring,” he says.

Another well-received menu item this time of year is the organic salmon with grilled vegetables salad. “It’s especially popular at lunch,” he notes. 

This is also the time of year Chef Peter brings out healthy grains, like brown rice, farro, wheat berries, and kamut (also known as Khorasan wheat). “These grains have what chefs call a ‘toothsome” quality,” he explains. “That means they have a very good texture, with an earthy, nutty flavor. People find them very satisfying.”

And if you have special requests, don’t be afraid to ask. Peter often creates gluten-free fare and is used to working within the dietary restrictions of members. Being a hands-on chef means “I’m always in the kitchen.”

Seasons change, of course, so if you like what’s on the menu, eat up. The coming of spring means new and delightful changes for Savannah Quarters® diners.

A fitness plan tailored to the needs of the individual.

The New Year will bring a new kind of regimen to our world-class Fitness Center complex—one that will be geared to helping individuals achieve their own very specific goals, while making use of the 4,000 square feet of cardio and weight training equipment.

Fitness Director Neumann Dotterweich is creating a Stages of Change program for members, and he starts with some simple questions.  “How do you live? What can you do differently?” he asks. “Because once you have some context, it’s a lot easier to make lasting changes.”

Neumann points out that this program is not about competing against others, and has nothing to do with willpower. “Everyone is different, and it’s not always about losing weight. But whether you’re focused on nutrition, cardiovascular work or strength training, it all starts with your mental approach” he explains.

There are six stages to making lasting changes, and it goes something like this:

  1. Pre-Contemplation—this is a stage where you’re not even aware your physical health may be deteriorating. One example might be a knee injury that keeps you from being active.
  2. Contemplation—perhaps you saw an ad for a new type of exercise machine or were encouraged by an innovative diet. You begin to think, “I should do this…”
  3. Preparation—this is the “I will” stage, where you go out and buy some new gym shoes in anticipation of your new routine at the fitness center.
  4. Action—maybe you’ve learned how to use the equipment, or you’ve started walking every day. Everything is great, right? Ahhh, but here is where we may slip-up.
  5. Relapse—something comes along and messes up your best-laid plans. It might be the weather, a life event, or some other impetus that derails you. But if you can get past this there’s…
  6. Maintenance—you’ve broken through the barriers! Now you’re not only fulfilling your commitment, you actually enjoy and look forward to your new activity.

Neumann says it can take as long as six months to achieve the maintenance stage. That’s why he meets with every individual; helping them set realistic goals and having members keep a journal of their progress. “Instead of making a month-long commitment to something, let’s try it for three days and see how it goes. Start with small changes, and little by little, you’ll make a big impact in your life,” he says.

The Stages of Change program will begin in February. There’s no charge to get started. For more information, contact Neumann at